Written By One Of The Highest-Paid Ghostwriters In The World
Attention Burned-Out, Underpaid Freelance Writers Making $1,000 - $5,000 Per Month!
Discover 5 Packaging & Pricing Secrets To Instantly Make High-Ticket Clients Accept Your Offer, Respect You, And Pay You A Premium ($$$)...
...Even If You Hate Sales, Struggle With Imposter Syndrome, And Have Only Been Writing For 1-3 Years
Want a sneak peek? Here's what you'll learn inside
Secret #1: Why You Should Stop Writing "Anything" For "Anyone."
Secret #2: The Biggest "Pricing" Mistake Freelance Writers Make (And How To Avoid It)
Secret #3: How To Instantly Raise Your Prices (Without "Losing" Any Potential Clients)
Secret #4: The Single Fastest Way To Grow Your 1-Person Writing Business
Secret #5: Why Calling Yourself A "Freelance Writer" Is A Giant Mistake (And What You Should Call Yourself Instead)
[BONUS] Secret #6: Our Proven Blueprint To Land Your First $5,000 Writing Client

Written by Nicolas Cole
Ghostwriter for 300+ industry leaders
Co-founder of the Premium Ghostwriting Academy
Author of The Art & Business of Ghostwriting
Ready to 10x your Freelance Writing income?
If you're tired of being stuck working nights and weekends (while making barely enough to get by), I can help you.Just drop your email below to secure your spot and you'll get instant access to the email course.
Write The Ship LLC d/b/a Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) provides educational and informational resources intended to help you
build a more successful ghostwriting business. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” scheme, or similar money-making
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